Keynote Conversation


Thursday 5:15-6:15

Hoda Zaki, Pete Sands, Claire Curtis

           As scholars of utopia our academic work is on the boundaries of some particular discipline for which utopia is potentially marginal or even a somewhat suspect concern. 

As academics we all share to differing degrees the tensions around the boundaries of job status, administrative work, service commitments, pedagogical approaches.

 As people in the world we negotiate the boundaries between job, community, family, politics.

           We share a set of experiences with boundaries: the intellectual, disciplinary, professional, political and personal and we share the very idea that each of these realms has been bounded (or to use the lingo of the academy: siloed) in ways that often undermine each of these pursuits.

           Join us for a conversation about negotiating and traversing these boundaries. Come and share your own travels and let’s continue the conversation into the reception afterwards.