Conference Logistics


Covid Safety:

Thank you to everyone who reached out to us about Covid and flu safety during this conference. Your concern and care for the most vulnerable in our community means a great deal.  With these health precautions in mind, we encourage you to stay masked for all indoor events, and to take advantage of the hotel’s outdoor spaces for unmasked eating and drinking.  All of our collective meals and events have been designed to facilitate outdoor gatherings and we have confidence that we will have wonderful opportunities for socializing and intellectual exchange. 

Paperless Conference:

For environmental reasons, we have opted for a paperless conference, although a printable pdf version of the program will be provided.  We will have a few paper copies of the program available at all times at the registration desk, as well as posted information about the sessions.  You can also see daily breakdowns of the schedule on the conference website:

AV Equipment: 

Each of our conference rooms is fully equipped with Audio-visual equipment.  Everyone should be able to use technology for presentations, including PowerPoint, streaming video, and sound.  Please bring your own dongles and connectors if you want to use your own laptop.

Duties of panel chairs

Panel chairs have three primary duties:

  •       Introducing the panelists – it is up to you if you want to go beyond the information in the program. If you are feeling ambitious you could email your panel members prior to the conference.
  •       Monitoring the time – no one should be speaking for more than 20 minutes. Be sure to tell the people on your panel how you plan to alert them to the time remaining (two minute warning, one minute warning). Remember that if someone goes too much over time then others are going to end up with less time.
  •       Opening the discussion afterwards (and asking a question if things start quietly) – one way to avoid all questions going to the same person is to gather 2 or 3 questions and then have all the panelists respond. This only works if there are enough questions! It can be useful to ask a question that draws on commonalities across papers.