Utopian Studies, vol 20, no 1

A publication of the Society for Utopian Studies, 2009.

Included in this volume are the following articles:

“Socioeconomic Utopianism in Spain at the End of the Nineteenth Century: La Nueva Utopía by Ricardo Mella” by José Luis Ramos-Gorostiza

“Homus Novus: The New Man as Allegory” by Natalia Skradol

“Embodied Anarchy in Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Dispossessed by Daniel P. Jaeckle

“Visions of Happiness: Daoist Utopias and Grotto Paradises in Early and Medieval Chinese Tales” by Sing-chen Lydia Chiang

“The Shaker ‘Gift’ Economy: Charisma, Aesthetic Practice and Utopian Communalism” by Janet Sarbanes

“When Science Fiction Writers Used Fictional Drugs: Rise and Fall of the Twentieth-Century Drug Dystopia” by John Hickman
